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How To Reduce Noise In Your Apartment In Indianapolis

May 10, 2023

Cultivating friendships with neighbors is a fantastic way to ensure you enjoy a warmer sense of belonging at your apartment community. One of the ways to do this is by being courteous and mindful of the amount of sound emanating from your place. Here are some easy ideas on how to reduce noise in your apartment in Indianapolis and a couple bits of advice for dealing with a disruptive neighbor.

Integrate Area Rugs As Apartment Noise Reduction Solutions In Indianapolis

Stylish apartment living room with large area rugEven though it’s understandable that you might focus on the noise going through your walls, it’s smart to focus on your floor first. High heels or hard-sole shoes on laminate, hardwood, or other floors can be particularly loud. Have a heart and minimize those thunderous footfalls with an area rug. You could use an underlay and decrease noise to a greater extent. Rugs are great apartment noise reduction solutions in Indianapolis, and they are offered in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes to match your unique floor plan and style.

Wall Art Is A Creative Way To Reduce Noise At Your Apartment In Indianapolis

Relaxing apartment living room with decorative wall artYour artistic inclination and decorator's touch can actually help you diminish noise at your apartment in Indianapolis. The large framed painting you are so fond of is great for a shared wall as it will help reduce sound both exiting and passing into your apartment. Additional suggestions you could consider include decorative fabrics and foam segments. Get innovative and enjoy the extra bonus of noise reduction.

Additionally, acoustic panels are a clever option and ideal for spaces like laundry rooms where you’re not as concerned about style. Your washer and dryer will generate a lot of noise. These soundproof panels will help diminish it.

Consider The Placement Of Your Television And Speakers

Living area with entertainment center, large sofa, and area rugYou enjoy the full, clear tones issuing from your audio setup, but your neighbors may not be quite as impressed. Be mindful of the location in which the sound is aimed. If feasible, avoid positioning speakers at the ground or toward a shared wall. As you might expect, keeping the volume at a moderate level after hours isn’t a bad idea either. If you’re craving some high-volume music or a in-person concert, explore some of the fantastic recreational options in your community instead.

Recommendations For Handling A Noisy Neighbor

Guest bedroom with dresser and large window.You now have options on how to reduce noise in your apartment in Indianapolis, but what can you do concerning a noisy neighbor? Here are some recommendations to help reduce the noise entering your apartment.

  • Inspect your doors and windows.These entrances also function as places for noise to leak in. Check the weather stripping and search for noticeable openings. If it needs to be attended to, talk with your service staff or ask if you may repair it on your own. Utilize heavier drapes on windows and a door sweep below your front door to help minimize exterior noise.
  • Dampen the sound at walls you share. Heavier furnishings might help reduce noise passing through a wall you share. Sizable dressers and bookshelves are wise possibilities.
  • Keep it friendly, not confrontational. It might come to a point where you will need to talk to your neighbor. Choosing kindness over hostility is usually a preferred and more effective strategy.
  • Inform the office about the issue. Whenever noise becomes a consistent concern, please let management know. The office staff will address the situation and offer you a solution without a face-to-face confrontation.

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